Since PMA straight hts screening activates the BCR downstream kinase, Protein Kinase C, consequently ERK and Egr 1, this suggests that the active PKC ERK pathway can partially circumvent the blocking of BCR signaling induced by SFK inhibition. CpG activates Toll like receptor 9 mediated signaling pathways. CpG can rescue immature B lymphoma cells from BCR mediated apoptosis by inducing a sustained activation of NF B, and subsequent expression of Bcl xL and c Myc and an up regulation of Egr 1. In common, the human B lymphoma cell lines necessary greater doses of SFK inhibitors than murine B lymphoma cells to induce growth inhibition. There was quite minor apoptosis in the SFK inhibitor taken care of human B lymphomas. We showed that this could be associated to increased expression of anti apoptotic proteins Bcl 2 and Bcl xL by the human B lymphomas compared to the murine lymphomas.
Furthermore, constitutive expression of Bcl xL made the WEHI 231 cell line less susceptible to SFK induced apoptosis. Our information suggest that the constitutive BCR signaling in B lymphoma cells is probably due to constitutive activation of Lyn, the upstream enzyme required for tyrosine LY364947 phosphorylation of Igand Ig. Our studies are in general agreement with a current report by Yang et al. about the effects of dasatinib on lymphoma growth in vitro. They compared dasatinib to Imatinib to assistance the concept that SFK but not other tyrosine kinases are crucial for lymphoma growth. Nevertheless, proteomic approaches have demonstrated that dasatinib can affect other PTKs like BTK, Csk, as effectively as other Ser/Thr kinases like p38 MAPK. Consequently, our study utilized siRNA to especially knock down Lyn and therefore demonstrated Lyn is needed for lymphoma growth.
Additionally, we were capable to show dasatinib efficacy in an in vivo lymphoma model. The apparent query is: Why is Lyn kinase constitutively active in B lymphoma cells One particular possibility is that Lyn is mutated in B lymphoma cells, which could be unlikely, because Lyn is active in a number of murine and human lymphoma cells. An additional chance is that Lyn is constitutively energetic PARP due to the association of Lyn with lipid rafts that dont have the adverse regulator Csk in B lymphoma cells. In standard B cells, Lyn is only transiently activated in response to BCR engagement by antigen. Singh et al showed that BCR engagement led to a Ca2 dependent, rapid production of reactive oxygen species, in specific H2O2.
The ROS in turn led to a quick and transient inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase activity linked with the BCR due to the oxidation of the crucial cysteine in the active site of PTP and a transient boost in Lyn kinase activity.
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