Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Angle On Lapatinib GDC-0068 Just Made available

the ADVANCE 1 trial apixaban did notmeet the criteria for noninferiority compared with enoxaparinfor prevention GDC-0068 of VTE in patients undergoing TKR.45The main efficacy outcome occurred in 9% of patientsin the apixaban group and in 8.8% in the enoxaparin group.Big or clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding occurred in2.9% of patients in the apixaban group and in 4.3% in theenoxaparin group. Big bleeding occurred in0.7% of patients in the apixaban group and in 1.4% in theenoxaparin group.In the ADVANCE 2 trial apixaban was compared withenoxaparin in patients undergoing TKR.46 The incidence ofthe main efficacy outcome was 15.1% in the apixabangroup and 24.4% in the enoxaparin group. Proximal DVT, symptomatic nonfatalPE, and VTE-related death occurred in 1.1% of patients givenapixaban and in 2.
2% of patients offered enoxaparin. Clinically relevant bleedingoccurred in 3.5%and 4.8% with the patients offered apixaban and enoxaparin,respectively. A Phase III randomized, GDC-0068 double-blindstudy has been lately completed aimed at assessing therelative efficacy and safety of apixaban and enoxaparin for35 days in patients undergoing elective THR surgery.New anti-Xa in Phase II trialsThe oral anti-Xa betrixaban has been compared withenoxaparin, both started postoperatively in patients undergoingTKR.47 DVT on mandatory unilateral venography orsymptomatic proximal, or PE was reported via to day14 in 20%, 15%, and 10% of patients receiving increasingdoses of betrixaban or enoxaparin, respectively. No bleedingcomplications had been reported in the betrixaban 15 mggroup. Big bleeding occurred in 2.
3% of patients in theenoxaparin group.Two Phase II studies have explored the efficacy and safetyof edoxaban for the prevention of VTE in major orthopedicsurgery. Edoxaban Lapatinib decreased the incidence of VTE inside a dosedependentfashion in comparison with placebo, without having asignificant improve in bleeding complications in patientsundergoing TKR.48 Edoxaban was compared with dalteparinin patients undergoing THR.49 VTE occurred in 43.3% ofpatients in the dalteparin group and in 28.2%, 21.2%, 15.2%,and 10.6% of patients receiving edoxaban, respectively. Nobleeding was reported in the dalteparin group. The incidenceof major or clinically considerable nonmajor bleeding in theedoxaban groups ranged from 1.6% with reduced doses to 2.3%for greater doses.
The efficacy and safety of YM150 for the preventionof VTE in patients PARP undergoing THR was investigated in aPhase II study.27 Patients had been randomized to once-dailyYM150 starting 6–10 hours immediately after hip replacement or toreceive subcutaneous enoxaparin for 7–10 days. A significantdose-related trend in the incidence of VTEwas observed with YM150. Threeclinically relevant nonmajor bleedings had been observed, one inthe 3 mg and two in the 10 mg YM150 dose groups. ThePhase II ONYX-2 study confirmed a considerable decreasein the incidence of DVT, symptomatic VTE, PE, and deathwith increasing doses of YM150 in patients undergoingTHR surgery.50 A variety of Phase II and Phase III studieshave been developed testing this agent, of which some arecompleted and some are presently ongoing.
The aim of thesestudies will be to evaluate the efficacy and safety of different dosesof YM150 for the prevention of VTE in patients undergoingmajor orthopedic surgery in comparison with enoxaparin orwarfarin.The oral anti-Xa razaxaban has been compared with twicedaily 30 mg enoxaparin in patients undergoing elective kneesurgery.29 Razaxaban was productive at any evaluated Lapatinib dosage,but highest doses had been related to far more bleedingsthan enoxaparin. No further study has been conducted withrazaxaban.In patients undergoing THR or TKR, prophylaxis withLY517717 resulted inside a dose-dependent decrease in theincidence of VTE. The incidences of general, symptomatic,or asymptomatic VTE was 19%, 19%, and 16% withincreasing doses of LY517717, respectively, comparedwith 21% for enoxaparin.
All of the doses of LY517717 metthe predefined criteria GDC-0068 for noninferiority compared withenoxaparin for the prevention of VTE immediately after TKR or THR,with equivalent rates of bleeding complications.28 No studiesare presently ongoing with this agent in patients undergoingorthopedic Lapatinib surgery.In a dose-finding study, the efficacy of various dosesof eribaxaban has been compared with that of enoxaparinin patients undergoing TKR.30 VTE occurred in 37%, 37%,29%, 19%, 14%, 1.4%, and 11% of patients receivingincreasing doses of eribaxaban, respectively, compared with18% of patients receiving enoxaparin. This study showed anonsignificant dose-related improve in the incidence of totalbleeding, mainly accounted for by minor bleeding.A dose-finding study is presently underway to assess theefficacy and safety of TAK-442 in comparison with enoxaparinfor the prevention of VTE immediately after TKR. A Phase II study has also beendesigned to assess the efficacy and safety of GW813893 inthe prophylaxis of VTE following TKR..In a Phase II study, 690 patients undergoing TKRsurgery had been randomized to AVE5026 or enoxaparin.32A

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